Consumer qualities: traditional table variety, suitable for early harvest, with high yields, with large tubers.
Variety characteristics:
Early maturity Medium early
Tuber shape Oval/Elongated oval
Tuber size Very large
Skin color Yellow
Flesh color Light yellow
Darkening of flesh on impact Sensitive
Dry matter/starch content 18.8%/12.9%
Rest period Moderately short
Virus resistance Yntn Resistant
Plant late blight Sensitive
Late blight of tubers Slightly sensitive
Common scab Slightly sensitive
Consumer qualities: traditional table variety, suitable for early harvest, with high yields, with large tubers.
Variety characteristics:
Early maturity Medium early
Tuber shape Oval/Elongated oval
Tuber size Very large
Skin color Yellow
Flesh color Light yellow
Darkening of flesh on impact Sensitive
Dry matter/starch content 18.8%/12.9%
Rest period Moderately short
Virus resistance Yntn Resistant
Plant late blight Sensitive
Late blight of tubers Slightly sensitive
Common scab Slightly sensitive