
Happy New Year 2023!

The Day of the Worker of agriculture and processing industry
Visit of the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region A.A. Alikhanov

The harvesting campaign of 2022 is over!

All–Russian Field Day - 2022

Baltic Seed : Planting 2022 NEW VIDEO!

Amber land - one of the centers of potato seeding

International Agricultural Exhibition "YUGAGRO 2022"

Harvesting campaign completion

Barley Harvesting

"Amber Mercury" competition

Seed potato harvesting campaign in the 2020 season

LLC Baltic Seeds became the guardian of an Ussuri bear ,who lives in the Kaliningrad Zoo

Planting 2020.Video

Baltic Seeds LLC started the dispatch of seed potatoes

LLC Baltic Seeds team visited the largest international agricultural exhibition UGAGRO in Russia

Potato Days in Netherlands

On October 10 and 11, at the agricultural exhibition Golden Autumn 2019